Perception Among Diabetic Patients of Telescreening for Diabetic Retinopathy

Purpose:To evaluate the satisfaction of diabetic patients and its determinants of telescreening for diabetic retinopathy (DR) in Saudi Arabia.

Methods:This cross-sectional survey was conducted in December 2018 in a diabetes center of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Ten questions were asked by the interviewer. A 5-point Likert scale was used to grade patient responses for each question. Rasch analysis was conducted to evaluate the response of the participants. The main outcome variable was the sum of the Logit values of the responses. The Rasch score was also compared among subgroups.

Results:Two hundred (n = 200) diabetic patients were interviewed. The median Rasch score of client-perceived benefit of DR telescreening was +14.6 (25% quartile +3.09, minimum; −23.2, maximum; +35.7). A positive attitude of patients regarding DR telescreening was recorded in 159 (79.5%) participants. The perception of telescreening was better in younger diabetic patients than in older diabetic patients (Friedman p < 0.001). The perception was similar in both genders (Mann–Whitney p = 0.3). Diabetic patients from Riyadh and the southern region of Saudi Arabia had significantly more positive perception than those from north and eastern regions (Freedman p < 0.001).

Conclusion:Diabetic patients have positive attitude toward tele-DR screening. Their cooperation is likely to be high if large scale tele-DR screening is implemented in the Kingdom.

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